

0.99 usd

Designed to store the reference data of personal identity documents and depending on the context of use of other natural persons such as family members, travel groups, identity portfolio in general. The data are stored locally on the smartphone and are not disclosed in any way by the application. The data can only be shared by the user. It also works without a data connection to manage documents and identities, but a connection is required to share data extraction. Each identity is distinguished by a name and its tax code. The following types of documents can be associated with each identity: identity card, driving license, passport, firearms license, nautical license. Useful in cases where it is necessary to have the details of the identity documents of all the members of a group on hand, such as for online compilations or to communicate data quickly with a sharing.Data connection free (works without data connection)Database (local file to smartphone)Advertising free (no advertising)Functionality:Entering a new identity through the phone book,Inserting the documentViewing the data and documents of an identityQuery by identity, by documentExtraction of fiscal codesSharing of extractionsDocument deadline controlChange of identity data and data of the inserted documentRemoving the documentIdentity RemovalData backup to file locally to the deviceRestore data from the local file